Every singer has a unique voice and quality, which allows the singer to perform and mesmerize the audience. We always wonder what is the difference between them and us singing and we just assume that they are born or blessed with that voice. This thought that we have is psychological, but it is bound to happen but the point of difference between them and us is the vocal training.
If one needs to reach his/her full potential as a vocalist, there is no substitute for singing lessons. Since we all have unique vocal qualities, personalized feedback is critical when it comes to learning how to sing properly.
It may feel like there is a lot to remember as you’re learning to sing. Don’t worry — the fundamentals will soon become second nature to you. Once you know the secrets of singing, you’ll notice your voice getting stronger, smoother, and better each day.
The Steps that you need to make sure when you are learning how to sing is
- Vocal Health
Maintenance of the instrument is crucial, which helps it to last longer and perform better. In the same way, our voice is also treated as an instrument, so looking after it is our priority.
The way we can look after our voice is, by eating healthy, keeping ourselves hydrated, not indulging in wrong habits and getting proper sleep. You also need to analyze what foods and drinks suit you, so you make an effort to avoid them.
Also performing proper warm-up exercises allows your voice to condition well and avoids unnecessary strain on your vocal chords, which can be harmful.
- Breathing
When we perform, we need to make sure that our technique of singing, should be consistent and which can be determined on how we control our breath.
General breathing involves our lungs and shoulder muscles moving, but when you need to concentrate on your breathe while singing, you need to focus relaxing and using the diaphragm.
Working on the breathing technique, is slowly developed with practice and the musicians adapt to that breathing easily.
- Posture
Irrespective of what activity you carry out, the posture always plays a key role in performing in the most efficient manner. The posture will allow to breath easily and help in creating a proper pace during the performance.
We need to focus on the different points in our body from our neck, shoulders, arms, torso, hips, legs and feet. As the posture helps in maintaining balance while performing, so you need to focus on making sure to follow these small details.
- Improving your tone
How a fingertip is unique and it cannot be the same for two people, in the same way the tone of an individual is also unique. No two people will have the same tone and hence your tone is like a vocal thumbprint.
Building your tone is focused on the way you breathe during a performance and the posture you keep, as these play a key role in improving the tone of a singer.
- How to sing in pitch
Pitch is defined as the quality that allows us to classify a sound as relatively high or low. It’s determined by the frequency of sound wave vibrations; knowing how to sing on pitch is what sets apart great singers.
The way to practice matching a pitch is by playing an instrument and matching the chords. This allows you to work on your range and in turns helps in matching you pitch at any level.
- Learning basic music theory
Music is like any other subject that you can learn with time and increase your knowledge regarding it. When you are learning to sing, the key points you need to remember are versatility, learning from a coach, participating in competitions and collaborating with musicians.
- Diction for Singers
Pronunciation is very important while singing, saying words clearly and making sure the person listening to you can hear clearly and you are conveying the message. The best practice found among singers to practice their diction is by singing rap songs. As rap songs are fast paced, it allows singers to match the pace, tone, pitch and also focus on diction of words.
- Working on finding and extending your vocal range
If you are trying to find your vocal range, start by playing middle C on a piano or keyboard. Then, sing along as you move down notes; the last note you can sing comfortably and clearly is your lowest note. Next, sing along as you move up the piano to find your highest note.
- Staying Motivated and Improving
The way to move ahead is being consistent with practice and does it for a short period of time, so you don’t overdo and harm your vocal chords in the process.
To make sure you practice regularly, try to find new and fun ways to keep singing, it might me singing to your favorite song, or just singing with friends or for friends to change the pace and keep it lite and fun.
- Being a confident singer
The most difficult part is getting up to sing in front of an audience for the first time, so try singing in front of a support family member or friend to begin with, then increase the numbers. Once you have achieved this it will become easier each time you perform.
Choose a song you know really well avoid tunes that are difficult to sing until you are more confident about your voice and performing in front of an audience. Relax your shoulders and clear your mind of everything except the song you are going to sing. Take a deep breath, exhale, look ahead and smile as you take the stage – even if you feel terrified this will help you look confident.