August 5, 2022 | Vocals

What makes you a unique singer?

Every singer has a unique voice and quality, which allows the singer to perform and mesmerize the audience. We always wonder what is the difference between them and us singing and we just assume that they are born or blessed with that voice. This thought that we have is psychological, but it is bound to happen but the point of difference ...

August 3, 2022 | Drums

Are drums an instrument trending with time?

Music has played a crucial role through out time and has evolved by entrusting us with different styles of music. Drums are also termed as percussion instruments that play a rhythmic role in nearly every genre of music, spanning centuries and continents. When Were Drums Invented? The usage of percussion instruments have been dated back to 5 ...

August 1, 2022 | Music

Music & Sound- The Healer of Mind

Sound healing therapy uses parts of music to help improve physical and emotional health. The different types of music therapies present are: Listening to music Singing along to a song Moving/ Dancing to the beat of the music Meditating Playing an instrument Music has been used throughout history for its properties to cure mental disorders. Musi ...